
Seas 'n Trees... blues 'n greens...

Because the Natural World is Awesome...

New images mostly every day, fresh from Virginia Beach... featuring Sunrises and the Magic that happens where the Sky, the Surf, and the Sand collide and mix into that Mystical State we call the Beach...
So, sit back and enjoy the view... although all the Elements are the same, they mix in entirely different and exciting ways every day... if you can't actually be on the Beach, I'll show you how it was...

Click on any image in a post to expand all the images for a better look at them...

All images and text ©2012,2013MikeKling, all rights reserved...

Feel free to use any of my images for your personal, non-commercial use, such as a desktop picture or screensaver, i would like it if you did... Enjoy!

Seas 'n Trees is now on facebook... "Like" our page and get a picture in your newsfeed every day with a convenient link back to Seas 'n Trees photoblog...


This Blog will be moving... we're now testing the New Blog and if all goes well, that's where we'll be... C'mon over and take a look at:Seas 'n
Your feedback is welcomed, let us know what you like, or don't, about the New Blog...
Thanks, and hope you like it...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

NJ Surf at Spring Lake, 9.30.12

A Nor'west wind has cleared the Surf...
down at the Beach today...
taming the chaos...
of swirling waters...
a bit...
and giving some shape...
to the incoming Swell...

The fish weren't there...
but we were...
witnessing the start...
of a new day...

(iPod Photos)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Jersey Mornin', Spring Lake, 9.29.12

Another morning...
of stumbling through...
the pre-dawn blackness...
down at the Beach today...

Knee deep in the surging waves... 
throwing the little black fly...
at the tumbling whitewater...
the only thing we could see...
in the darkness..

It was a pleasant morning of fishin'...
watching the light... 
push the darkness...
past the boardwalk...
and seeing the Surf...
and all it's patterns... 
come into focus...

(iPod photos)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Hazy and Fishy at Spring Lake, NJ, 9.28.12

Out before Dawn...
fishin' with my brother...
down at the Beach today...
Like so many times... 
over so many years...

It's been a few years since I'd cast...
the Big Fly Rod...
my favorite...
But it came back quickly...
in the dark...
where you can't see much...
so you operate by feel...

It always amazes me...
how you can throw that little black fly...
into the darkness of night...
into the swirling maelstrom...
of a churning surf...
and a fish will find it...

And so it was this morning...
In the dark before first light...
a three foot long striper...
found my fly...
in all that foamy chaos...
And we battled down the Beach...
in the blackness...
until the fly came loose...
just as I tried to Beach him...

But that doesn't matter...
I had the chance...
to reconnect with the fish...
that is my favorite...
in a spot where I've battled so many...
over so many years...
And it felt so good...
and gave me a reason...
to come back for more...

(iPod photos)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Smooth Rollin' Swells at 48th Street, VB, 9.27.12

It's a smooth rollin' mornin'...
down at the Beach today...
Just a whisper of a breeze...
and i regret my sweatshirt...
Air and Water are warm...
The Waves roll smoothly in...
gonna be a great Beach Day...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Peaceful Beach at 48th Street, VB, 9.26.12

The focus of the Masses...
is not here...
down at the Beach today...
'most everyone's gone...
and that little grin of relief...
is exchanged between passing locals...
backed by a little twinkle...
in our eyes...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Surf, Ships, and a Sunrise at 48th Street, VB, 9.25.12

The Sun rose clear...
over the Beach today...
as a nice Swell...
rolled in from the Horizon...
The Surf is good today...
and the Shipping Lanes are busy...
It's a little bumpy out there...
as the Big Boats...
come around the Corner...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Clear Skies, Northerly Breeze at 48th Street, VB, 9.24.12

Clear, cool, and crisp...
down at the Beach today...
not much in the Sky...
The North Nor'east winds...
sweep everything clean...
as the Northbound Birds crawl...
and the Southbounders streak on by...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunrise Over CrowFeather Castle at 47th Street, VB, 9.23.12

Strong North winds...
down at the Beach today...
have scoured the Sands clean...
and freshened the Beach...

And the Creative Freshness...
of Children...
has graced the Beach with...
CrowFeather Castle...
giving a fresh look to...
the Sunrise...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Autumnal Equinox at 48th Street, VB, 9.22.12

Summer is over...
down at the Beach today...
The Sun rises dead due East...
out of the Sea...
marking one of the Four Corners...
of the Earth...
on a powerful Day of Transition...

But it will be Sunny and warm...
and the Sea will be nice...
so, we'll mourn Summer's passing...
with a good frolic at the Beach...
A bit of basking...
and BoogieBoardin'...
will ease the pain...