
Seas 'n Trees... blues 'n greens...

Because the Natural World is Awesome...

New images mostly every day, fresh from Virginia Beach... featuring Sunrises and the Magic that happens where the Sky, the Surf, and the Sand collide and mix into that Mystical State we call the Beach...
So, sit back and enjoy the view... although all the Elements are the same, they mix in entirely different and exciting ways every day... if you can't actually be on the Beach, I'll show you how it was...

Click on any image in a post to expand all the images for a better look at them...

All images and text ©2012,2013MikeKling, all rights reserved...

Feel free to use any of my images for your personal, non-commercial use, such as a desktop picture or screensaver, i would like it if you did... Enjoy!

Seas 'n Trees is now on facebook... "Like" our page and get a picture in your newsfeed every day with a convenient link back to Seas 'n Trees photoblog...


This Blog will be moving... we're now testing the New Blog and if all goes well, that's where we'll be... C'mon over and take a look at:Seas 'n
Your feedback is welcomed, let us know what you like, or don't, about the New Blog...
Thanks, and hope you like it...

Friday, November 30, 2012

A Little Late at 48th Street, VB, 11.30.12

Just a little late...
gettin' out the door...
this mornin'...
But, i was happy to see...
that The Show...
was proceeding just fine...
without me...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Frost at 48th Street, VB, 11.29.12

There was frost on the grass...
on the Dune...
down at the Beach today...
none on the Sands yet...

The Gulls hunkered down...
and slept a little late...
until a jogger...
just had to run through them...

The Sun rose clear...
no Clouds in the...
thin chilly Air...
and the falling...
Full Moon...
had our back...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Glint of Sunlight at 48th Street, VB, 11.28.12

The Sun peeked through...
a break between Clouds and Sea...
down at the Beach today...
Then it came out...
like gangbusters...
throwing Rays...
of intense Light...
Illuminating All...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mellow Mornin' at 48th Street, VB, 11.27.12

A pretty Sunrise...
down at the Beach today...
Warmer than it's been...
and the wind's lyin' low...
The Birds...
are on the hunt...
watch out...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Trawlers and Treasure at 48th Street, VB, 11.26.12

It was warm...
for the temperature...
down at the Beach today...
as a fleet of Fishermen...
Sailed 'cross the Dawn...
seeking finny Treasure...
And our usually...
barren Beach...
was rich today...
with a Bounty...
of washed up shells...
and such...
There was even...
a rare...
Beach 'Shroom...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Still, With a Chill at 48th Street, VB, 11.25.12

Quiet and cold...
down at the Beach today...
The winds have let up...
letting the chill settle in...
as the Colorful Sky...
backs up the Surf...
with a...