
Seas 'n Trees... blues 'n greens...

Because the Natural World is Awesome...

New images mostly every day, fresh from Virginia Beach... featuring Sunrises and the Magic that happens where the Sky, the Surf, and the Sand collide and mix into that Mystical State we call the Beach...
So, sit back and enjoy the view... although all the Elements are the same, they mix in entirely different and exciting ways every day... if you can't actually be on the Beach, I'll show you how it was...

Click on any image in a post to expand all the images for a better look at them...

All images and text ©2012,2013MikeKling, all rights reserved...

Feel free to use any of my images for your personal, non-commercial use, such as a desktop picture or screensaver, i would like it if you did... Enjoy!

Seas 'n Trees is now on facebook... "Like" our page and get a picture in your newsfeed every day with a convenient link back to Seas 'n Trees photoblog...


This Blog will be moving... we're now testing the New Blog and if all goes well, that's where we'll be... C'mon over and take a look at:Seas 'n
Your feedback is welcomed, let us know what you like, or don't, about the New Blog...
Thanks, and hope you like it...

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Howlin' Wind at 48th Street, VB, 1.31.13

Banshees scream...
down at the Beach today...
Thirty knots...
and more...
of Offshore Fury...
tries to scalp the Swells...
and send the Waves...
back where they came from...
But the Sea will Win...
always does...
Moon driven Tides...
keep rollin' to Shore...
and fallin' back...
to renew...
and the Cycle...
holds steady...
and outlasts the Challenge...
So we watch...
as the Age-Old strife...
plays itself out...
in ever different ways...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wispy Clouds at 48th Street, VB, 1.30.13

The Air is warm and thick...
down at the Beach today...
Last Night...
was way warmer...
than last week's Days...
and it will feel like Summer...
in a few hours...
The Clouds are gathering...
preceded by these...
multi-level wisps...
moving every which way...
The Birds have new Energy...
and they feed casually...
not with last week's desperation...
The Sea is placid...
as Swells gently roll...
It's Peaceful now...
but don't be fooled...
there will be...
a Clash of Titans...
in the Sky...
late today...
Nature feels this coming...
and Her Creatures...
will be ready...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Breakfast is for the Birds at 48th Street, VB, 1.29.13

The Dredge is running again...
down at the Beach today...
and the rising Tide...
is setting the table...
here at SeaGull Central...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Drippy at 48th Street, VB, 1.28.13

Light rain...
soft Light...
down at the Beach today...
Not warm...
not cold...
no breeze...
scattered drops...
It's easy to forget...
your body is there...
Just gaze out to Sea...
and take in...
the soft rolling Swells...
quietly breaking...
and pushing to Shore...
as the soft rolling Light...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Frozen Sand at 48th Street, VB, 1.27.13

Icy cold...
down at the Beach today...
Nor'east breeze...
enough to get under a coat...
has the Ocean...
a little edgy...
and the Waves...
are kickin' up...
At Water's edge...
there's a mix...
and everything's...
kind of frozen...
but there's nothing...
kind about that at all...
Life's tough...
on the Beach...
right now...
and i'm grateful...
for the Hot Coffee...
that awaits me...
as soon as i cross...
these hard frozen Sands... 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Not Your Summer Beach at 48th Street, VB, 1.26.13

The Snow covered the Sands...
down at the Beach today...
except where the Sea...
washed it away...
The Beach rests...
under Winter's Snowy blanket...
Ghost Crabs sleep...
deep in their burrows...
preparing to awake...
when the Cycle goes forward...
and the Cold melts away...

Friday, January 25, 2013

Soft Edged Sky at 48th Street, VB, 1.25.13

Soft colors...
filled the Sky...
down at the Beach today...
Still cold...
but the thin Clouds...
held in a bit...
of Warmth from the Sea...
and the winds...
have laid down...
It's not so bitter...

Looks like the annual...
Sand Snake Migration...
is on today...